Tuesday 26 June 2012

Dreams and goals..

I dreamt I could run. I ran through the streets and up hills. I ran ran ran and it wasn't so hard.

A fellow 12wbter posted this comment on our Perth Crew page and I all of a sudden felt inspired. I've never really thought about running or thought of myself as a runner (because Im totally not) but this comment stirs something in me. It makes me WANT to run. I have never wanted to run. EVER.

All day I have daydreamed about running along the beach, wind blowing in my hair (I imagined I had long hair, when infact I shaved it off a few months ago. That story is for another time though lol). I could feel the sand between my toes and the water lapping at my feet. The fresh air filled my lungs. I was fit. I was happy. I was healthy.

It suddenly occoured to me that maybe this could be my dream. I could acheive this. All I have to do is work hard, eat clean and I could find myself running along that beach. Even though in reality I hate sand lol. Maybe I can grow to love it. Just this once. Just to feel what this would feel like. I think it would be awesome.

So when I set my goals for the 12wbt, I didn't put the thing about running along the beach. Looking back (and it was only 4 weeks ago I wrote them down) they are all weight related. 

Lose 5kg - TICK!

Lose 15kg

Lose 30kg

Be under 90kg

While these are still my goals, I think I need to focus on other things as well. I have thought and thought about whatelse I can add and I've come up with this -

To be able to RUN along the beach....

To look and feel HOT at my best friends wedding in April 2013...

To wear knee high boots... Even if only for 5 minutes... (they currently don't fit my calves, never have)

To wear a swimsuit in public without covering it up.... (with boardies/singlet etc)

Im sure there is more I could add. I just haven't thought of them yet. It's very strange to think that dreams and goals can really come true. Its never been a possibility for me. My weight has held me back so much. But not any longer.

I love that I've had this whole massive thought process just from one little comment on a Facebook page. That is truly amazing!

Manda xx

1 comment:

  1. Great read Manda, looking fwd to reading more :)
