Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bloody winter!

Well, what do you know. Here I am again so soon! I knew I would keep this up lol Lets just hope it lasts!

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE WINTER! I love cold rainy days, rugged up on the lounge, snuggling with my husband and my children. What I hate is the flu! It started last week with my husband (as it turns out he has a severe chest infection) then my baby girl was all sniffly. Then my middle child had a cough and my eldest was sick with a fever and vomiting! Needless to say I think we need a big dose of Glen 20 and some chicken soup. Shame I don't have either of those handy.

So what comes with being sick? Not being bothered to do anything! And as a result, I haven't stuck to my eating plan AT ALL! Yesterday I just didn't care and I had KFC!!! Yes, you read right. Large chips, 2 pieces of chicken, regular potato and gravy, a roll and a 600ml Pepsi Max. Surprisingly since I didn't each much for the rest of the day, I was still under my calories. But that does not make it right. I feel awful for it and it really isn't what a sick body needs. I thought it was onwards and upwards today but alas, I still haven't felt like eating. At least I haven't poisoned my body with bloody junk!

Tomorrow, however is a new day. Shopping day infact. Despite me feeling crappy I've written out my meal plan and written my shopping list. Tomorrow will be a better day. And I will get be more prepared next time (though I hope as soon as this flu pisses off, it doesn't come back for a long long time!)

You will be happy to know that the rest of the house is on the mend. The husband has been taking antibiotics and feels much better. My eldest daughter must have just had a 24hr thing, my middle child's cough is easing and my youngest isn't as sniffly as she was.

I hope the flu hasn't hit your place! And if it has, I hope you're prepared :)


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