Tuesday 26 June 2012

Dreams and goals..

I dreamt I could run. I ran through the streets and up hills. I ran ran ran and it wasn't so hard.

A fellow 12wbter posted this comment on our Perth Crew page and I all of a sudden felt inspired. I've never really thought about running or thought of myself as a runner (because Im totally not) but this comment stirs something in me. It makes me WANT to run. I have never wanted to run. EVER.

All day I have daydreamed about running along the beach, wind blowing in my hair (I imagined I had long hair, when infact I shaved it off a few months ago. That story is for another time though lol). I could feel the sand between my toes and the water lapping at my feet. The fresh air filled my lungs. I was fit. I was happy. I was healthy.

It suddenly occoured to me that maybe this could be my dream. I could acheive this. All I have to do is work hard, eat clean and I could find myself running along that beach. Even though in reality I hate sand lol. Maybe I can grow to love it. Just this once. Just to feel what this would feel like. I think it would be awesome.

So when I set my goals for the 12wbt, I didn't put the thing about running along the beach. Looking back (and it was only 4 weeks ago I wrote them down) they are all weight related. 

Lose 5kg - TICK!

Lose 15kg

Lose 30kg

Be under 90kg

While these are still my goals, I think I need to focus on other things as well. I have thought and thought about whatelse I can add and I've come up with this -

To be able to RUN along the beach....

To look and feel HOT at my best friends wedding in April 2013...

To wear knee high boots... Even if only for 5 minutes... (they currently don't fit my calves, never have)

To wear a swimsuit in public without covering it up.... (with boardies/singlet etc)

Im sure there is more I could add. I just haven't thought of them yet. It's very strange to think that dreams and goals can really come true. Its never been a possibility for me. My weight has held me back so much. But not any longer.

I love that I've had this whole massive thought process just from one little comment on a Facebook page. That is truly amazing!

Manda xx

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Bloody winter!

Well, what do you know. Here I am again so soon! I knew I would keep this up lol Lets just hope it lasts!

Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE WINTER! I love cold rainy days, rugged up on the lounge, snuggling with my husband and my children. What I hate is the flu! It started last week with my husband (as it turns out he has a severe chest infection) then my baby girl was all sniffly. Then my middle child had a cough and my eldest was sick with a fever and vomiting! Needless to say I think we need a big dose of Glen 20 and some chicken soup. Shame I don't have either of those handy.

So what comes with being sick? Not being bothered to do anything! And as a result, I haven't stuck to my eating plan AT ALL! Yesterday I just didn't care and I had KFC!!! Yes, you read right. Large chips, 2 pieces of chicken, regular potato and gravy, a roll and a 600ml Pepsi Max. Surprisingly since I didn't each much for the rest of the day, I was still under my calories. But that does not make it right. I feel awful for it and it really isn't what a sick body needs. I thought it was onwards and upwards today but alas, I still haven't felt like eating. At least I haven't poisoned my body with bloody junk!

Tomorrow, however is a new day. Shopping day infact. Despite me feeling crappy I've written out my meal plan and written my shopping list. Tomorrow will be a better day. And I will get be more prepared next time (though I hope as soon as this flu pisses off, it doesn't come back for a long long time!)

You will be happy to know that the rest of the house is on the mend. The husband has been taking antibiotics and feels much better. My eldest daughter must have just had a 24hr thing, my middle child's cough is easing and my youngest isn't as sniffly as she was.

I hope the flu hasn't hit your place! And if it has, I hope you're prepared :)


Sunday 17 June 2012

Announcing the arrival of......

Well well well. I always thought I was such a talkative gal. Over 6 months has passed so I think its time I updated! And started regularly updating too.

In March this year, Glenn and I welcomed our third baby. Another girl <3 She is absolutely precious and my heart soars everytime I look at her. My birth experience this time around was wonderous! I finally got the drug free birth I wanted. I will post her birth story and pics once I finish writing it. For now, here is one of our first pics together

Since her birth things in my life have suddenly seemed so clear. I have set goals and I am determined to reach them. One goal of mine was signing up for round 2 of the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation. We are onto week three and so far I have lost 4.9kg! This brings my total to 15.4kg since preseason of round 2 last year (it was during this round I fell pregnant). I've lost all the weight I gained while pregnant and am generally feeling healthier and happier. I have a LONG way to go, but I know with the support of my family, friends, Michelle Bridges and her team and our Perth Crew I can do this.

During this week I made a Weightloss Inspiration Board. What is that you ask? It is a board with pictures and quotes of things that inspire me. For times when I doubt myself or my journey. All I have to do is look at my board and remember why I am here. Remember why I am doing this. I'd love to share my board with you....

I can really recommed making an inspiration board. It felt so cleansing and was so much fun. It did take me all afternoon but was so worth it.

Amyway, time to sign off. I have a baby girl to snuggle <3

Manda xx